Channel: List of Entities/Spirit Info: Q
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Quai is an entity that is able to tell their keeper if they or anyone they ask about has any immortal energy in their soul and how much and which immortal it is or which ones if more than one....

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Quintas is an entity that enables their keeper to learn the secrets of the past and lost or forgotten history.  If you want to learn the true history of some place, person or animal, then this is the...

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Qu-Lia is a djinn like entity with an ahem appetite to rival any Nymph/ Nympho, but they are not djinns. They do grant wishes and are a very distant cousin of the djinn. They are from the plane of...

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Quantilla is a type of entity that is exceptionally good at protection, and they can also cleanse any negative energy and turn it into positive healing energy. They can protect against all curses, the...

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Qui-Nai is an entity that is for protection. They can break any hex or curse, even from a past life. They put up a permanent shield of protection around their keeper and it gives the keeper more...

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Qi Lin is sometimes called the Chinese unicorn. In Actuality, it is more of a cousin to the Ki-Rin. It is good for wealth, health and protection. It is an excellent entity for anyone that has an area...

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Quenchila Demon

Quenchila Demon is a race of dark arts entity that has many abilities. They confuse all their keepers’ enemies and opponents. Any negativity their keeper has, they transfer to someone the keeper tells...

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Queen Bun’s ahem slave for kaching

Queen Bun’s ahem slave for kaching non-stop ahem is a race of dark arts naturally occur entities that is for helping their keepers to get kaching and for nonstop ahem with their keepers. They have the...

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Queen Bun’s pleasure & massage fae

Queen Bun’s pleasure & massage fae is a race of dark arts entities that occur naturally. They are for ahem, and massaging their keeper’s backs, shoulders, necks, feet, all of it and help their...

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Queen Bun’s ahem 24/7/365 fae

Queen Bun’s ahem 24/7/365 fae is a race of dark arts entities that occurs naturally. They are for ahemming their keeper and are among the most pervy, kinky and ahem starved entities that exist. They...

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Queen Bun’s hell with justice, I want revenge entity

Queen Bun’s hell with justice, I want revenge entity is a naturally occurring entity that is for getting revenge on those you know or feel really deserve it. Remember, any and all actions that bring...

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Queen Bun’s kaching for ahem, ahem, ahem entity

Queen Bun’s kaching for ahem, ahem, ahem entity is a naturally occurring entity  from the astral area around bun bun land that is for kaching, they are as good as 20 regular leprechauns for kaching,...

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Queen Bun’s pull your head out of your ass and get a grip on reality entity

Queen Bun’s pull your head out of your ass and get a grip on reality entity is a naturally occurring dark arts entities that is for helping their keeper to see through all the lies and to know what is...

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Queen Buns Minions

They are in normal form Pink (female), or Blue (male) rabbit form, with glowing pink eyes. They love to ahem their human keepers and change into a human form for ahem with them, with pink or blue hair...

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Quisinnzal love to ahem their keepers and are into any kind of ahem their keeper wants, and I do mean any.They allow their keeper to use a pendulum, tarot cards, the I ching, and the Runes without...

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Quolo varis

Quolo varis are for helping their keeper to get ahem and to help them develop their 3rd eye abilities, they also protect them from negative energy and possessions. They also help them to be able to...

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Quantrima is group of high rank elite Demon Warrior that serves and Protects the Norse Realms and Mimirs Realm and OLDin as well. They act as the personal bodyguard for OLDin and Mimir.They fight and...

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